Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Old democracies kidnapped freedom of speech

Despite the recognition of freedom of speech as a human right in the universal declaration of human rights, it is so far to achieve, at least, some of this freedom-since we could not talk about complete freedom of speech. Even those democratic countries that praise human being and provide better conditions for his living, could no longer keep their neutrality in dealing with this freedom. And the fibers between freedom and authority have started to be intertwined for some of those countries that were till the near past an example for democracy.

In the Press Freedom Index 2009, many of European countries that were so proud of their positions in this index have fallen and may be changed their minds concerning the declaration of human rights they made. And democracy that was one of the strengths of these countries probably becomes valueless.

If those countries that were known for their inveterate practice of democracy have fallen, what would we say about countries that have just began to put their first paths on the road of democracy, or just think to do so? These countries, among which we find Morocco, didn’t like their positions too and followed their examples and turned some steps back.

For instance France that was (31) in 2007 and (35) in 2008 has turned back to (45) in 2009. Italy that was (35) in 2007 and fallen to (44) in 2008 has arrived to (49) in 2009. Spain that was in the (33) rd position in 2007 and shrunk back to (36) in 2008 has arrived to (46) in 2009. And as an example of the countries who started their democracy trip and may be regretted it, we find Morocco that was (106) in 2007 and return to (122) in 2008 and arrived to (127) in 2009.

Is it a deal between all these countries to finish with what is known as democracy and begin a new journey to another term where no one will be free to open his mouth even to eat? May be it’s the disease of authority that continues to spread and refuses to yield for all voices calling for freedom and giving up old practices. It’s a conspiracy to kidnap freedom of speech and take back some concessions, authority thought have given in a time of inattentiveness.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Do all people seek peace?

Every year, we are in appointment with the Nobel Peace Prize, which has gone this year to the US president Barack Obama, but every day we hear just of more tensions and there is no hints of peace, which seems a dream of every one around the globe. And again, peace remains only a dream for humanity. A dream that’s impossible to be realized; sometimes, because there is a great difference in points of view and beliefs among people, and others, because there is a clash of interests that stimulates old tensions and may give birth to new ones.

Is peace beneficial for people? Normally, this is what should be, but of course this is not how things are. We do not need to be experts and make a lot of analysis to understand this. If peaceful and “naïve” people like me are aiming to see a safer world, there are others who profit from war and peace for them is not as positive as it is for me and it may cause destruction to their economical and ideological dreams. So, since it’s normal that every one is always looking for what’s beneficial for him, it’s logic if those people who profit from war fight hardly against peace because simply it’s not on their behalf. Then, on the one hand, if there is explicit work to keep peace, on the other, there are implicit efforts to endure war.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Virginity for 15 $.

China has launched a product that will give girls that lost their virginity a chance to regain it by paying only 15 $. This product is imported secretly to the Arab world where there is a great obsession about virginity and where there’s a direct connection between the girl’s honor and her virginity. And it’s reported that the product has invaded the black market in Syria and Egypt and the sailing of the product has witnessed a remarkable recovery. In Egypt the members of the parliament had called to the banning of the product and the Islamic scholars called for death penalty for those caught importing it.

La Chine a lancé un produit qui va donner aux filles qui ont perdu leur virginité la chance de la retrouver en payant seulement 15 $. Ce produit qui est importé secrètement dans le monde arabe où il y a une grande obsession par la virginité et une connexion directe entre l'honneur de la fille et sa virginité. Et il est reporté que le produit a envahi le marché noir de la Syrie et l'Egypte et la vente du produit a connu un recouvrement remarquable. En Egypte, les membres du Parlement avaient demandé à l'interdiction du produit et les savants islamiques ont appelé pour la mort comme pénalité pour ceux qui sont pris importer ce produit.

If this product is seen as a threat to the morals of Muslims and should be banned, why there’s great tolerance with girls having relations out of marriage? Are these relations that lead to the lost of virginity acceptable and this product that may correct a mistake is unacceptable? It’s really ambivalent to accept the cause and refuse the consequence. When we know that our girls are having relations, and we know that there’s a great possibility of virginity lost, no one comes out and condemn such actions. When a girl lost her virginity because of rape, no one stand to her side when she suffers in silence and no one will send the one who raped her to jail. Besides, when a groom leaves his bride just because she accidentally lost her virginity, no one comes out to make all this fuss. However, when a potential remedy for those girls suffering is available, we come out and fight to endure their suffering.

Si ce produit est considéré comme une menace pour la moralité des musulmans et devrait être interdit, pourquoi il y a une grande tolérance avec les relations en dehors du mariage? Est-ce que ces relations qui mènent à la perte de la virginité sont acceptable et ce produit qui peux corriger une erreur est inacceptable? C'est vraiment ambivalent d'accepter la cause et refuser la conséquence. Quand on sait que nos filles ont des relations, et nous savons qu'il y a une grande possibilité de la perte de virginité, personne n’intervient pour condamner telles actions. Et quand une fille perd sa virginité à cause d’un viol, aucun ne sort pour être à côté d'elle quand elle souffre en silence et personne ne vous enverra celui qu’il l’a violées en prison. D'ailleurs, quand un groom quitte sa fiancée juste parce qu'elle a accidentellement perdu sa virginité, on ne sort de faire tout ce bruit. Toutefois, quand un remède potentiel pour la souffrance de ces filles est disponible, nous sortons et on lutte pour endurer leurs souffrances.

If this product is to be questioned, it might be from the medical side and see to what extent is healthy and not from the side of morals. And we should let those butchers, who resume the honor of girls only in blood, see it and be satisfied of this fake virginity since their view to morals is also fake.

Si ce produit est d'être interrogé, il pourrait être du côté médical et voir dans quelle mesure est bonne pour la santé et non pas du côté de la morale. Et nous devons laisser ces bouchers, qui résume l'honneur des filles que dans le sang, le voir et se satisfait de cette faux virginité depuis leur point de vue de l’honneur est également faux.